How do I write an e-mail with XTRAMAIL and which functions do I have?
XTRAMAIL is a powerful and easy-to-use in-house email software that is already used by numerous companies in Switzerland to manage their email communications. This software offers a wide range of features and functions that make email communication simple, efficient and secure.
The software, which is included free of charge in every web hosting package, offers a wide range of features that help users organize their emails, manage contacts and easily send messages or video chat.
In this article we will introduce you to the various features of the email client and give you step-by-step instructions on how to compose an email with Xtramail. The prerequisite for this is that you have already activated Xtramail. How you can do that we show you in this article: How to activate Xtramail in cPanel
How to write an e-mail with XTRAMAIL
Step 1: To compose an email, first log in to Xtramail with your username and password.
To log in to Xtramail, enter the following URL into your browser:

Step 2: After you have logged in, you will see the main interface of the software, which consists of various tabs and menus. To compose a new email, click on the "Email" button located in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen or simply click on the "Compose" button in the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

Step 3: When you click on the "Compose" button, a new window opens, the email creation window. Here you will see various fields such as "To", "Cc", "Subject" and "Message". To send an e-mail, you must fill in these fields with the relevant information.
In the "Subject" field, enter a short description of the content of the e-mail. This field is important because it helps the recipient understand the purpose of the email.
In the "To" field enter the e-mail address of the recipient. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by commas if you want to send the same email to multiple recipients.
In the "Cc" field you can enter the e-mail addresses of additional people who should receive a copy of the e-mail. This field is usually for information only.
In the "Message" field you can type your message, attach files or add images and links.

Step 6: Once you have filled in all the required fields, click on the "Send" button to send the email. If you want to save the email as a draft and send it at a later time, simply click on the "Minimize" button.
Advanced functions of XTRAMAIL
In addition to the basic functions for creating e-mails, XTRAMAIL offers a wide range of advanced features that will enhance your E-mail communication Improve. Some of these features are:
Email formatting: XTRAMAIL lets you professionally edit and format your emails with a rich text editor. This offers various functions that let you enhance your email, for example by using bold, italics, underlining, changing the font, size and color, etc. You can also insert smileys and hyperlinks into your text.
Email scheduling: XTRAMAIL allows you to schedule your emails to be sent at a specific time. This feature is useful if you want to send emails to recipients in different time zones or if you want to send emails at a time when the recipient is most likely to read them.
Email confirmations: Xtramail notifies you when the recipient has received and opened the email.
Spam and junk mail filtering: XTRAMAIL has a built-in spam and junk mail filtering system that prevents unwanted emails from clogging users' inboxes. The software uses sophisticated algorithms to identify and block spam emails and ensures that users receive only relevant and important emails.
Search function: XTRAMAIL offers a powerful search function that makes it easy to find specific emails. Users can search emails by keywords, sender, subject or other criteria. The search criteria can also be saved for later use.
If you belong to a company that has recently started using XTRAMAIL for its communication, or if you want to introduce this software in your organization and still have questions about its use, do not hesitate to contact our Support Team to contact us. We are available around the clock via our ticket system.