How do I create an FTP account in cPanel?
The FTP Protocoll is used exclusively for transferring files over the Internet and for basic file operations on a web hosting account. The protocol uses the client server model, which means that you need an FTP client configured with the correct FTP account to connect to the FTP service on a web hosting server. In the following lines of this tutorial, we'll focus on creating and managing FTP accounts with the cPanel service, so that you can manage the entire process of your Files understand via the FTP protocol.
Access to the FTP Accounts function
To access the "FTP accounts" function, you must first log in to the cPanel service. To do this, you can use another guide that we have published - How to log in to the cPanel.
Once you have logged into the cPanel service, you will find the "FTP accounts“

Adding new FTP accounts
The first thing you will notice on the new page is the "Add FTP account" section, which is located at the top of the page. As the name suggests, this area is used to add new FTP accounts to your Web Hosting Add account:
Log in: Enter here the user name to be used for this FTP account. Please note that the full username consists not only of the string you enter in this field, but also of the domain name you want to associate with this FTP account. If you have only added one domain to your web hosting account, it will be automatically selected and all FTP accounts you add will be specifically associated with this domain name.
Password: For the backup of an FTP account it is necessary to create a STRONG password to be awarded.
Directory: Each FTP account is configured to work only with a specific Directory works. This means, of course, that all directories below the directory you configure in this field are also available for this FTP account.
Contingent: The amount of storage available to this account.
When you have filled in all the fields, please click on the "Create FTP account" to add the account to your web hosting.

Once the account is created, cPanel will display a message stating either that the account was created successfully or that an error occurred.
There are a few things to keep in mind here:
First: If you have multiple domains associated with your web hosting account, you will be offered a drop-down list to choose from when creating the FTP user.
Second: The directory is set up automatically. However, if you want to manage the files of a specific website, this may not be sufficient. In this case, you need to manually specify the directory where your website is located. If you have difficulties finding the correct directory, please contact our technical supportwho will be happy to help you.
That's it! Congratulations, your FTP account has been successfully created and can now be used in your FTP client.