How to create new blog posts in WordPress?
In WordPress, blog posts are the information you want to publish on your website. They are the primary method of creating content in the form of articles, news, and other information that may be of interest to your readers.
As a WordPress website owner, this is one of the tasks you are likely to do on a daily basis. Therefore, you should aim to become routine in creating blog posts.
In this tutorial we will show you how to create blog posts in WordPress.
Access to blog posts in WordPress
First, you need to log into your WordPress admin dashboard. Then navigate to the left menu bar to posts.

This action will take you to the "Posts" section, where you can start creating your very first post. From here you can also manage all your existing blog posts.
Add new blog post
After you enter the Posts section, you will see a list of all blog posts created on your WordPress website.
The first step is to click on the button "Create" to click. This is located at the top of the page.

The user interface for creating posts is displayed. Now let's start with the most important details about the contribution.
The first field, Add title, is provided for the title of your post. The title appears as the main heading of the post when it is published. It also appears in the navigation menus if it is assigned to a navigation menu. Find an appropriate title for your post, because that's what will attract attention.
Once the post title is entered, WordPress automatically generates the post URL based on this title. You can view this on the right under URL and edit it if necessary.
The block editor below is for the actual content of the post. As you can see, it provides many useful tools that you can use to customize your text. If you click the "+" icon, you'll see additional tools that give you even more flexibility. If you click on "Browse All", you'll have even more options to make your post look professional.

We all know that it is not the text that captivates the reader, but images or videos. To make your message more attractive, you can play with some additional options.
Since you'll be adding media files to your posts anyway, let's look at how you can do this. First, click on the plus sign (+) and then select the "Image" function. A new field will appear in the block where you can either upload the image from your computer or select it from the WordPress media file.

A new dialog appears, in which you can click on the button "Select files" select the desired files from your local computer or drag and drop them directly into the empty area. You can also select images from your WordPress gallery if they have already been uploaded, or specify the URL address of the image source if you want to upload the images from another source.

Once the image is uploaded or selected, you can configure its settings in the "Attachment Details" section on the right. You can add a "alt text" that will be displayed if the image cannot be loaded for some reason, and a { "title"., a { "caption". and a { "description".. You can align the image as you like, link it to other content, and specify whether to display it full-size or as a thumbnail.

We show some additional parameters that we have not explained yet. On the right side you can see several blocks.
Under the block "Categories" all your current categories will be listed and you can select the appropriate category by checking the corresponding checkbox, or add a new category by clicking the "+ Add new category" click.
Directly below is the block "Keywords"where you can select your existing tags or add new tags that apply to this post.
In block { "contribution image". you can specify the image to be used as a thumbnail. This image will be displayed in various places on your website. For example, in the "Recent Posts" section, in the menu items, etc.
The block "Text excerpt" is essentially a summary of a longer article, and is often used as a replacement for the blog index and archive pages to avoid having to display the entire contents of each post.
With the block "Discussion" specify whether users can leave comments on your blog posts or not.

Now let's take a look at the last section before you are ready to publish your post. At the top right of the page you will see the section "Publish". There you will find three buttons with which you can enter your contribution "Save", a "Preview" Display and direct "Publish" can.

There are also some additional parameters that can be edited. You can edit the { "visibility". of the contribution by switching between "Public", "Password protected" or "Private" select. With the option "Publish" you can schedule the publication of the post if you do not want to publish it immediately.
Regardless of whether you save or publish the post, it always remains in the Database of your website and you can call it up again at any time and edit it further.
That's it. Congratulations! You have just learned how to make a new post created in WordPress! Creating posts in WordPress is a pretty simple task for users who are just starting to work with WordPress.
We hope that you now know all the areas and have familiarized yourself with creating blog posts in WordPress. However, if you still encounter difficulties, you can create a ticket and Support from our support team request