How to edit the header image in WordPress?
The header image of your website is the first thing your visitors see. Therefore, configuring the right image is crucial to the impression you leave. WordPress offers thousands of beautiful visual themes and plugins you can use, but we think you'll prefer to use your own custom image. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through the steps you need to take to properly configure a new header image.
Let's start
First you need to log in to your WordPress Admin Dashboard log in. To do this, go to your domain and type "/wp-admin", e.g. "", where "" stands for your domain name.
After logging in, navigate via the menu bar on the left to Design > Header.

This action will take you directly to the header customization page in your Theme Customizer.
Edit Header Image
In the header, you can customize various aspects of your website's header. You can do this by either clicking the pencil icon next to the respective element or using the options in the menu on the left.

For the Design of the header of your website you have several options at your disposal. We will go through all the possibilities.
Setting up a video in the header
We live in a time when Media content like videos be constantly consumed by the average visitor. Most people won't bother reading long texts when they can just look at something that gives them the same information.
With WordPress you can use the Replace header image with a video. Directly under "Customize Header Media" you should find the section "Header Video" see. There you can upload a video using the "Select video" button. You can also upload a Video from YouTube by entering the YouTube URL.

Adding video footage to the header of your WordPress website can be a real inspiration for visitors. It can easily reinforce the very tagline of your website and show that it is worth spending time visiting the other pages of your website. Videos are one of the most powerful digital weapons at your disposal. They can be used to promote blogs, websites, products, services, people, businesses or whatever on the internet.
Please notethat it is recommended to use the format and pixel size displayed above the URL field. Although videos have their advantages, you should pay attention to the size of the video file, because the configuration of a large Videos the loading speed Your website significantly affect and slow down can.
Setting up a custom image for the header
If you want to stay with one header image, you can find the corresponding settings in the "Header Image" section of the left menu.
The first two options you see here are the following:
Hide image: Allows you to completely remove the image from the header of your website, i.e. no header image will be displayed. When you click this button, the image disappears immediately.
Add new image: With this option, you can either select an image from your WordPress media library or directly upload a new image from your local computer.

When you click the button "Add new image" button, a new window will open where you can click the "Select Files" button to select the desired files from your local computer or drag and drop them directly into the empty field.

If you want to select the image from the media files available in your WordPress instance, please go to the tab "Media Library". This way you can select any image you have uploaded to your WordPress gallery.

After you have selected the image, please click the button "Select and cut" at the bottom of the window.
Please note that the default visual design works best with an image with the following dimensions: 2000 x 1200 pixels. Therefore, it is recommended to stick to the recommended dimensions.
Related tutorial on the topic: To configure the WordPress media settings
If necessary, you can crop the image. To do this, click either the "Crop Image" button or the "Skip Crop" button.

Once this is done WordPress the new image immediately into the header. You can also find it in the "Previously uploaded" list along with the other header images.
When you hover your mouse over a particular image, you will see an "X" in the upper right corner. If you no longer want to use this image as a header image, click it to remove it.
If you want to add multiple header images, you can have WordPress arrange them automatically. To do this, simply click at Uploaded images on "Arrange images randomly" or Suggested Images to "Randomize Images", depending on which images you want to arrange.

In the lower right corner of the left menu you will find three icons representing different devices. They are used to check the display of your website on the respective device. We recommend that you do this whenever you make visual changes to your website.

When you have made all the desired changes, please do not forget to click the "Publish" button at the very top of the menu on the left to successfully apply the changes.
Congratulations! You have just learned how to use the Header of your WordPress site can edit. We hope that you will now succeed in leaving a lasting impression on your visitors. If you have any questions or problems creating your header in WordPress, please contact our Support Team. We will be happy to help you.