What is a pingback in WordPress?
Think of a mention on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. A pingback in WordPress works in a similar way and notifies you when your post is linked to or mentioned by another blog. But what exactly is a pingback?
WordPress defines a pingback as a type of automated comment that is created when you link to another blog post. However, this only happens if the other blog has the pingback feature enabled. To get a better understanding, let's take a look at how a pingback works.
What is a pingback? A pingback is a notification that WordPress sends to other blog owners as soon as their content is linked to. This notification appears as a comment, but only for bloggers who have activated the pingback function.
How does a pingback work?
Remember that a pingback is an automated notification of a link. The following illustration explains how this works, provided that both your WordPress website and the linked website support pingbacks:
- Blogger A writes a post and places a link to a post on blogger B's website.
- Blogger A publishes his post.
- WordPress automatically sends a pingback to Blogger B's website.
- The pingback appears in the comments section of the linked post on Blogger B's website.
Basically, the pingback says, "Hey, I just linked this page in my post." That's essentially how a pingback works.
It is important to note that pingbacks are specific to the WordPress platform. If you want to use a similar function on another platform such as Blogger, you need to use trackbacks. However, it is important to note that unlike pingbacks, trackbacks are not automatic when other blogs link to your content. Here is an explanation:
- Blogger A (WordPress user) writes a post and wants to link to a specific post on the website of Blogger B (blogger).
- Blogger A visits blogger B's post and searches for the trackback URL in the comments section.
- Blogger A copies the trackback URL and pastes it into the WordPress visual editor.
- Blogger A publishes his article, which triggers the trackback on blogger B's post.
The appearance of a trackback is slightly different as it contains an excerpt of the content. In addition, a trackback requires the manual entry of a specific URL, not simply the URL from the address bar. Otherwise, pingbacks and trackbacks are essentially similar.
Configuring pingbacks in WordPress
Using pingbacks does not require any technical knowledge and you may have already sent pingbacks to other blogs without realizing it, as long as your website and the linked blogs support this feature. If you want more control, you can use the following settings:
Activate or deactivate pingbacks:
- Go to "Settings" > "Discussion" and check or uncheck the box to enable or disable pingbacks.

WordPress discussion settings to enable pingbacks: WordPress will send you a one-time approval request when another blogger wants to send a pingback to your blog. To manage these requests, simply scroll down to the discussion settings where you will find comment moderation. There you can approve or reject pingbacks. Once approved, the blogger will not need your permission again to send more pingbacks. Everything happens automatically.
Deactivating self-pingbacks
It is important to know that you will receive an approval request every time you link to your own posts, which is called self-ping. This can be annoying, especially for authors who frequently link to their own posts. However, you can easily disable self-pingbacks by using only the post slug instead of the full URL. If your visual editor automatically inserts the URL, you can switch to the HTML editor to bypass this. Alternatively, you can also add the following code to your "functions.php" file:
{code type=php}//remove pings to self
function no_self_ping( &$links ) {
$home = get_option( 'home' );
foreach ( $links as $l => $link )
if ( 0 === strpos( $link, $home ) )
add_action( 'pre_ping', 'no_self_ping' );{/code}
Do you need pingbacks in WordPress?
Pingbacks can be a powerful tool for growing your website. They can lead to readers of linked blogs clicking on your pingback, which leads to increased traffic. In addition, automated comments can increase your engagement within the Blogger community increase.
However, the downside is that your website could be vulnerable to malicious attacks and spam. You can disable the pingback feature to protect yourself from such attacks, or take additional security measures such as using CDN and disabling XML-RPC.
Whether you decide to use pingback in WordPress or not, security always comes first!
Conclusion: Pingbacks are a useful tool for networking and increasing website traffic in WordPress. The right configuration is crucial to minimize spam and security risks. If you have any questions or Need supportplease do not hesitate to contact our support team. We will be happy to help you.