Xtramail Powerful eMail Composer
Professional email with the powerful email composer
Why limit yourself to an inferior email editor? Xtramail offers over 25 formatting options that allow you to design your emails in detail and leave a lasting impression of the highest professionalism.
How can I attach files to my emails?
Upload from your device - Upload the file directly from your device or select your files to attach from your Xtramail file manager - Select the file you have already uploaded from the Xtramail file manager.
You can also easily drag and drop your files into the email composer.
Can I insert inline images?
Of course! Click on the "Insert image" button and you can upload images from your device, select an image from your files or insert an image URL.
What formatting options are available?
- Font, size, color and background
- Bold, italic, underlined and strikethrough
- Superscript, subscript
- Unordered and ordered lists
- Alignment and indentation
- Preformatted text and quotes
- Links and smileys
Can I schedule an email to be sent at a later time?
Yes! Read more at eMail scheduling.
Can I request or return read receipts?
Yes, you can both request and return read receipts.
To request a read confirmation, activate the "Request confirmation" checkbox before sending an e-mail.
When you receive an email in which a sender requests a read receipt from you, Xtramail lets you choose whether to accept/return or reject/ignore the read receipt request.
Can I use CC, BCC, Reply-to?
For sure! Copies, blind copies and defining a reply email address are all fully supported.
Will the draft be saved while I am writing an email?
Yes, saving drafts happens automatically in the background, so you can focus on writing instead of saving.
Is it possible to reply with a predefined template?
Yes. For more information about this feature, see Pre-generated Responses.
Can I send an email from another account?
Yes, you can click on the "From" field and all your currently logged in accounts will be listed.
Just select the one you want to use to send that particular email.
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