Education for teenagers and children

Alerts and information from the National Cyber Security Center NCSC.

Education for teenagers and children

Teenagers and children grow up with digital media and use the unlimited offer every day. Many of them always have their smartphone with them and can thus access the Internet anywhere and at any time. In addition to all the advantages, however, the virtual world also harbors dangers of which both young people and children, as well as their caregivers, should be aware.


The Websters: Stories from the Internet

How can you prevent mishaps on the Internet? The fictional Webster family experiences stories on the Internet that you would like to read as comics but never want to experience.

The comic stories published by the Federal Office of Communications (OFCOM) illustrate the basic precautions that need to be taken in the virtual world. With the adventures of a completely normal family that falls into many a trap in the digital world, young and old are made aware of the challenges in everyday digital life and in dealing with information and communication technologies.

The comic stories can be downloaded for free in printed version ordered or in digital format can be downloaded.

Cyber dangers for the younger generations

Making young people aware of the dangers and challenges of the Internet is one of the tasks of parents and teachers. Those who know about these issues can not only help prevent incidents, but also react correctly when something happens.

Below you will find a selection of dangers that children and young people often encounter on the Internet. Topic-specific articles on the risks, the legal situation, behavioral recommendations and advice centers can be found on the linked websites of our partner organizations.

Fake News

True or invented? Real or manipulated? Judging the truthfulness of text, image or video content has become a challenge. Developing a critical eye is therefore all the more important.

Youth and Media Post: Fake News and Manipulation

Protect data and privacy

Whether Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram - on many platforms people put their personal data online to get in touch with other people. But who has access to such private information?

Youth and media contribution: Safe surfing

iBarry post: Data on social media: public or private? - Your decision


Children and young people are repeatedly bullied, teased, threatened, devalued, insulted, exposed and excluded. Cyberbullying is an open and at the same time subtle form of psychological violence that often has its origins in the real world.

Pro Juventute contribution: Cyberbullying as a serious case

SKP Contribution: Cyberbullying

Youth and Media Post: Cyberbullying - Exposed and Bullied

iBarry post: No to threats and insults on the net

Combating cyberbullying - prevention video by the Swiss Crime Prevention (SCP):

Combating cyberbullying - prevention video by the Swiss Crime Prevention (SCP)

Sexuality and sex education in the digital age

The web is an important source of sex education for young people. They also look for new acquaintances in social media and exchange erotic messages. However, this natural curiosity also becomes a risk.

Youth and media contribution: Sexuality and pornography on the net


Cybergrooming refers to the phenomenon of adults establishing contact via the Internet with minors in order to build trust, commit sexual abuse, engage in sexual acts, or sexually exploit the victim.

Pro Juventute contribution: What to do about cybergrooming

Swiss Crime Prevention (SKP) Contribution: Grooming

Grooming "And you, would you have said yes?" - Prevention video by Swiss Crime Prevention (SCP):

Grooming "And you, would you have said yes?" - Prevention video by Swiss Crime Prevention (SCP):

Source link

This information is courtesy of the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Visit the NCSC's official website for more in-depth cybersecurity information and resources: