Multi account support

Web hosting and domains

New in the Customer Center: Multi-account support

New feature: Guest accounts allow one customer/customer contact to access multiple customer profiles with individual credentials!

Customers, customer contacts and guest profiles

At Customer Center all main customer profiles have the possibility to add contacts - profiles of employees. Customer contacts are linked to the main customer profile and usually have limited permissions. Previously, a contact (= an email address) could only be associated with a main customer profile. With today's release we are introducing a new guest function. With a guest function, you can add a person to your contacts whose email address is already registered either as a customer or as a contact of another customer.

NOTE: The guest you want to invite must already have a Customer account with ORC Webhosting have If he does not have one yet, then a free customer account must be opened first.

Add and manage new contacts/guests

Thanks to the new feature, we now have three types of profiles:

  • Customer - a main customer profile
  • Contact - customer contact registered by the customer
  • Guest - already registered e-mail address, invited by the customer to become the customer contact (/Guest).

A guest can come both from the Admin as well as from the client area be added. You can either register a new contact and enter all the details manually or send an invitation via email as shown below. Each customer/guest can have different permissions assigned to their account (Billing, Support, Provisioning, System Configuration, Security and more). The Manage Contacts section in the Customer Area lists all contacts and guests along with their status (Pending, Invitation Sent, Declined, Active, Inactive).


Customer area: Manage contact area


Customer area: Invite guest

Once the invitation is sent, the guest can accept or decline the invitation. If the invitation is accepted, the guest can select the account to use (with the company or account name and ID) when logging in. The top menu also allows for quick switching of accounts.


Customer area: Invited guest must accept


Customer area: Login


Customer area: change of accounts

When a customer/contact has access to other accounts, a new section is displayed in their profile in the admin area: Access List, which lists the accounts the customer has access to as a guest.

The Contacts section, on the other hand, lists all customer contacts and guests with their account type, account ID and user ID, creation date and status.

The guest feature is especially useful for example for accountants or administrators and designers who manage different accounts. We hope that it will help you with better management.

ORC Web Hosting Team