The WHOIS database is a publicly accessible directory containing information on the registration of domain names on the Internet. This database is maintained by various registries and registrar services worldwide. Here are some of the most important points about the WHOIS database:
PurposeThe WHOIS database is used to provide information about domain registrations, including the identity of the registrant (the person or organization that owns the domain), contact information, and technical and administrative details.
ContentsInformation listed in the WHOIS database includes:
- The name of the registrant (domain holder)
- The registrant's e-mail address and telephone number
- The name and contact details of the administrative contact person
- The name and contact details of the technical contact person
- The registration date and the expiration date of the domain
- The registrar (the organization that registered the domain.
AccessibilityAnyone can access the WHOIS database to obtain information about a specific domain name. This is usually done via online WHOIS services or special WHOIS search tools.
PrivacyData protection concerns have grown in recent years, especially with the introduction of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe. Many registrars are therefore anonymizing some WHOIS data or offering privacy services to protect registrants' personal information.
BenefitWHOIS database is useful for various purposes, including:
- Tracking and combating abuse and cybercrime
- Resolution of domain disputes
- Contacting domain holders
- Checking the availability of domain names
- Research for business or legal purposes
In summary, the WHOIS database is an essential tool for the transparency and management of the domain name system on the Internet, which plays an important role in providing information on domain registrations.